Considering Selling?

Let us simplify the process for you!

Live.Laugh.Denver. Real Estate Group provides expert guidance every step of the way, minimizing your stress and maximizing your proceeds. Proper pricing and creative marketing of a home are critical in getting you top dollar, and it’s part of what we do best!

With more than 90% of home buyers beginning their search online, a first impression is everything.


Simplifying the Process

Before your listing hits the market, we professionally stage, photograph, and create a customized listing plan. Each listing is marketed on all home sites, to other agents, on social media, and to our robust list of contacts — your Live.Laugh.Denver. agent puts you at the forefront to get you top dollar!


Getting Started

When listing a home, especially in an active market, there are quite a few variables to keep in mind. Like many other self-regulating industries, the real estate market determines the value of your home based on the core fundamentals of supply and demand. 


More Resources

Download our Listing Guide with more information about what to consider when selling, and check out these blog posts to help you get your house market-ready. 

In addition to guiding you on getting your home ready for sale, we partner with you to get top market value. In real estate, there are two ways to price a home:

  • Price it high and let the market drive it down to market value, causing it to lose appeal.
  • Price it at fair market value and let the market confirm the value or even drive the price up, creating buzz.

Ready to get started?

Tell us more about your home!

Do you have any questions or concerns about the sales process?

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Live.Laugh.Denver. Real Estate Group is a “teamerage,” combining the strength of top-tier real estate agents with the independence of a brokerage. By bringing these areas together, we are elevating the client experience because we empower real estate agents to do what they do best without the traditional burdens and limitations of the real estate industry.

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